Mobile users play more than surf the Internet

When the iPhone was a year old, and the App Store has not been started, the experts research firm Flurry Analytic has already begun to study the activity of users of mobile devices to help developers to better sell advertising.

Flurry now gathers statistics from more than one billion smartphones and tablets running on the iOS and Android. The latest research of experts includes some interesting conclusions.

It turned out that American users of smartphones and tablets to spend on interaction with mobile gadgets around 2 hours 38 minutes. About 20% of that time Americans spend watching web pages. On average, 50 minutes spent on the game, half an hour - for communication in Facebook. 10 minutes are allocated for Twitter and other social networks. E-mail use for about three minutes a day.

Analysts Flurry confirmed leadership in the mobile Safari browser. The study reported that about 19 minutes a day, Americans travel through the Internet using Safari. Indicator Web browser built into the operating system Android, was 6.5 minutes. Just over three minutes given browser Opera Mini.
In the IV quarter of 2012, users of smartphones and tablets run an average of 7.9 applications per day.