New wireless mouse Oklick 545S, 305M and 550M

The range of brand Oklick added three new wireless mice: Oklick 545S, Oklick 305M and Oklick 550M. All three products have good performance and will be pleasant shopping before the new school year, according to the company. At the same time, new manipulators Oklick compatible not only the OS Windows (2000/ME/NT/XP/Vista/Win7), but with the Mac OS X version 10.2 or higher.

Oklick 545S - a miniature wireless optical mouse with ergonomic shape of the housing and the sensor with a resolution of 1000 dpi. Radio communications on a frequency of 2.4 GHz, and the working distance at which the comfortable operation is possible with the device up to ten meters. Connection mouse and a compact receiver is automatic, without installing special drivers. Power is supplied by two batteries AAA. Available color options Oklick 545S - red and black, and black.

Oklick 305M - is a wireless optical mouse with symmetrical hull form (suitable for both right and left hand) and a sensor with a resolution of 1000 dpi. Radio communication, as in the previous model, is at 2.4 GHz, and the working distance of the computer paddle - up to ten meters. Connection mouse and a compact receiver is automatic, without installing special drivers. Power is supplied by batteries AA, click the color - black.
The third new product in stock brand Oklick - wireless optical mouse with symmetrical shape of the housing and the sensor with a resolution of 1000 dpi Oklick 550M. Features such as radio communication in the 2.4 GHz band, the working distance of up to ten meters and automatic connection to the receiver are also available. The mouse is powered by two AA batteries. All three products are connected to the USB-port.